Enneagram Conversations with David: Mindfulness and Affective Neuroscience
MINDFULNESS and Learning About One’s Self with the Enneagram
with David Daniels, M.D. and Santikaro
with David Daniels, M.D. and Jack Killen, M.D.

Sexuality, Sensuousness, and the Enneagram:
Path to Fulfilling Intimate Relationships
A four-part series with David Daniels and Ron Levine
Sensuousness and fulfilling sexuality characterize healthy intimate relationships. In this groundbreaking four-partseries, David Daniels and Ron Levine, a well-known sex therapist, explore the dimensions of a fulfilling sexual relationship especially as this relates to the Enneagram types. They present the generic aspects of sexuality including definitions, the neurobiology of sexuality, role of hormones, male/female differences, and the part played by positive emotions, arousal and desire, and intent. They emphasize what makes our sexual lives fulfilling, and then explore each type’s positive attributes (gifts), specific sexual challenges, the antidotes and path of development. (4 sections; 96 minutes total)
Email us if you are interested in this Podcast Presentation >>
Instinctual Subtypes:
The Enneagram’s Hidden Force
Conversations with David Daniels, M.D. and Peter O’Hanrahan
This life-enhancing 11-part series offers a comprehensive and compelling audio workshop on the instinctual subtypes, featuring David Daniels and subtypes pioneer Peter O’Hanrahan. The instinctual subtypes – self-preservation, sexual/one-to-one and social – come alive as panelists share their own experiences, dispelling myths and providing ways to understand and work with the subtypes. This series examines the 27 subtype variations (three subtypes for each of the nine types), and how the three instincts manifest in life, their function and value, and how the driving emotion of your type (the passion energy) expresses itself through the three instinctual subtype behaviors.