Dao and Enneagram Practices for Relationships
Feminine and Masculine Energies and Enneagram Relationships Development: Yin, Yang, and Yin-Yang
Yin Energy flows inward as openness and receptivity and outwardly as flexibility of action. When contracted, it leads to withdrawal and inertia. Types 4, 5, and 9 lead with this energy called “The Withdrawing Enneagram Types” in the Riso and Hudson view of the Hornevian approach. This insight is valuable for relationships and couples as Yin is associated with a more feminine energy. Types 4, 5, and 9 each have growth practices in order to work with their withdrawing, internalizing structure to learn to more constructively expand assertiveness.
Yang Energy flows outward into assertive and decisive action that is unrestricted and expansive. It can also manifest as an alert stillness. When contracted, it focuses outwardly with unrestrained action even aggression. These are the types that reach out, initiate, and make things happen in the world. Types 3, 7, and 8 lead with this energy called “The Assertive Enneagram Types” in the Riso and Hudson view of the Hornevian approach. This Dao and Enneagram insight is valuable for relationships and couples as Yang is associated with a more masculine energy. Types 3, 7, and 8 each have growth practices to relax their assertiveness and constructively expand internalization and receptivity.
Yin-Yang Energy represents a more balanced, reconciling energy—harmonizing both yin and yang. When contracted, it collapses into a narrow and amplifying rigidity. Types 1, 2, and 6 lead with this energy called “The Compliant Enneagram Types” in the Riso and Hudson view of the Hornevian approach. This insight is valuable for many types of relationships. Types 1, 2, and 6 each have growth practices in order to relax their rigidity and compliance (to their respective super-egos) and constructively expand into a more natural, reciprocal flow of giving and taking (receiving).
H2: Dao, Yin, Yang, and Yin-Yang Energies and the Enneagram for Self-Development
The Dao understandings of the three manifestations of Qi, or life force, are embedded in type structure. When the Dantian (three centers of experience or intelligence) approaches of the Enneagram combines with the three manifestations of life energy, the Qi, each of the three centers then have all three energetic manifestations.
Three energies of Yin (receptive), Yang (active), and Yin/Yang (reconciling) are part of what I call, “The Three Great Life Forces Rooted in the Harmony Triads.” Learning to balance and integrate all three energies is key to self-development, and I have written extensively about this as part of the Enneagram Harmony Triads.